Collection: 'walang jowa' collection

There’s something about being surrounded by ads targeting couples during this time of the year that is incredibly depressing when you're single (either by choice or by force of nature). 'walang jowa' collection is heavily inspired by this [very single] sad girl's musings about love and relationships.

'flower subscription' is for the sad girls na walang jowa but are independent enough to know that they can give themselves everything they want out of life.

'husband material' is for the sad girls na walang jowa and definitely don’t need one - but is hopeful that 'The One' will eventually find their way.

'it's not me, it's you' is for the sad girls na walang jowa who realized that they deserve better than fake apologies, consistent inconsistency, and empty promises.

'ok naman ako' is for the sad girls na walang jowa who pretend they’re fine until they can stop pretending.

'single awareness day' is for the sad girls na walang jowa and the friends who will always have their back.
'walang jowa' collection