our story
Hey sad girls, Trisha here! ✨
The idea of sad girl scents was born one late night in July of 2020.
I had been struggling with grief from the loss of a loved one since 2015. I finally started going to therapy in 2018, but then had to leave a ten-year relationship in 2019. 2020 was just starting to look up with a pending move abroad and lots of travel plans.
All the flights and the move got cancelled because of the pandemic. This sad girl found herself unemployed for the first time in my eight-year career - and it unfortunately had to happen in the middle of a global crisis, too.
Before the pandemic, I had the freedom to "escape” my real life whenever I found myself in a shitty situation. I would do things that excite me - traveling, shopping, hanging out with friends, and whatnot.
So when I found myself stuck at home without a job, without a partner, without a mom - to rely on, I was at a loss on what to do next. I can't even think about traveling because everyone had to stay at home. I can't splurge on retail therapy knowing I don't have an income. Meeting up with friends would be irresponsible and a health risk.
I spent months paralyzed from my anxiety while I dealt with all the feelings I have not healed from. Most nights, in order to help me relax, I light up a scented candle from my huge candle stash in the dark or mix essential oils for my diffuser. I found which scents I preferred and started making my own candles to pass the time.
While I’m still not happy nor fully healed, what I do have are candles. Lots of candles. And you can have them too.
December 2022 edit
Life has been generally good to me over here at sad girl scents HQ. And while I still am not fully healed, I've learned to embrace where I currently am at life. Maybe it's the candles. Maybe I've faked it enough that I actually made it.
But I do know that a lot is from the support from the growing sad girl community.
Thank you for being here.