from the vault #001
I have always treated sad girl scents more as a creative outlet than a brand, hence, the scents being stories out of my life or the feelings I've been trying to work through. Releasing scents that are "from the vault" (yes, I will forever be a Swiftie) is in a way cathartic for me, because these are scents that I still do love. However, I try to be very intentional with what I release and how I release it, and I just don't see this one as a scent that is separate enough from a lot of scents that I've already released.
I feel like there's always been a longing inside of me to be known, in all the intimate ways of knowing someone. But it's also not a sentiment that I can easily share because it's such a vulnerable longing.
I started making this scent after spending a lot of time with a friend whose husband visibly adores her. He's extremely supportive of everything she's interested in, regardless if it's something she's passionate about or something she just decided on a whim. Even with life's challenges, she has managed to remain hopeful and optimistic. And I think that's the clear difference of having a partner who loves you enough to make sure you're not just safe, but you're flourishing.
I don't think I've ever been loved outside of neutrality in a romantic relationship. And that was the inspiration for this scent. I want to be loved passionately, to be a flower that's placed in a greenhouse that was built just for me. To be nurtured with romantic love that I reach full bloom. I want to be on the receiving end of a kind of love that is given to a garden; to have someone consciously carve time out of their day to take out weeds, water, and care for. To have someone be unafraid to dirty their clothes as they toil away without any assurance for a successful bloom. To be taken care of whole year round even when I'm out of season. I want someone to plan ahead to make sure that I thrive. I wanted to capture the scent of an abundant greenhouse, one that's filled with only the most beautiful flowers. I want to smell the soil, the fresh buds, the smell of spring and the constant spouts of new buds. I need this scent to envelop me and permeate my life, because while I yearn to be adored, I need to build that greenhouse for me too. 🌱